About Me

My photo
Hei hei xoxo Aurora's my secret middle name, friends call me TungTung, sometimes Cher - but here I am, Cherlyn for ya. Unceasing Foodfullness is my food blog, but Hei Days // Cherlyn Aurora is a treasure trove filled w personal recounts on everything under the sky - or even above. What's "hei"? It's Hebrew for grace. I know I'm living in His grace, that's more than sufficient for me. Currently studying Bachelor of Journalism at QUT! In the land of +61 <3 Find me on instagram: @cherlynaurora // Twitter: @CherlynAurora // YouTube: Cherlyn Aurora // All my love. Cherlyn Aurora

Thursday, 31 July 2014

An Accidental Cherry Tomato

Remember the time when we discovered something called hotmail? Everyone was creating all sorts of email names, be it their names or some other identity. So, being a thirteen year old at that point of time (or okay - twelve and whatever numbered month), I did not just create one, two or three accounts - I created TWELVE. Yep. I remember creating several accounts at every whim and fancy, an ice princess 078, sweet revenge, and I don't remember anything else. However, obviously when you've got so many accounts, and having the "great" wisdom in creating individual passwords for them, forgetting all but one was bound to happen.

Tralala, and so there it was, cherry_tomato052@hotmail.com :B Till today, I don't understand why I chose 052, it's definitely not some fave number of mine. Prolly some random epiphany at some point. Although, I do love that I'm associated with cherry tomatoes haha! Come come, lemme tell ya why. ;D

If you do follow me on instagram, you'd have known by now that I do love cherry tomatoes, adding it into every salad or brunch dish that I whip up in my humble abode. Be it those dreaded 2.4km runs, sweltering SG heat, or my tongue set ablaze by spices, my face tends to turn to a cherry-tomato-like flush easily, hence earning me the title of zé cherry tomato. :)

Pics are from my recent instagramming, keke just look at those juicy red cherry tomatoes *v* Gosh, looking at that avocado just makes me feel like having some now XD An avocado a day makes each strand of hair silky smooth. <Yeah it doesn't rhyme - I'm not your resident poet, mind you>

Cherry. Cheery. Cheerful. Cherlyn. Just about sums up how I'm feeling now.

Short post for now, but I think I'll be posting another one soon. Off to a food outing review on Unceasing Foodfullness, so check it out in a while! 

Stay cheerful guys!
Cherlyn Aurora xoxo

Monday, 28 July 2014

My Story

With so many bloggers popping up over the bloggerverse, sometimes when you start a new blog, you wonder if yours will ever appear on someone's google search. Well, whether there's just a handful, or a gazillion of followers, I'll always remind myself that I'm living life for the audience of one. And that is Jesus. Wherever He leads me, I shall follow.

So... WHO am I exactly? If you've bothered reading the "About Me" section up there, you prolly have something on me already. I started a food blog: Unceasing Foodfullness, back in 2012. Pretty much died down aft May 2013 last year haha - due to partial laziness & overload of project work. You can hop over and read whenever you like - I generally love instagramming about food, but never get onto blogging posts about the marvels of nomming - which I've decided to finally revive. Aspirations wise, I'll reveal it to y'all in the upcoming posts.

And... WHAT is this lifestyle blog for? It's another platform for me to bless others with tidbits of life for y'all to read. Food reviews will be mainly on Unceasing Foodfullness, but not totally exclusive. Sometimes the foodie in me just urges to post a recipe or two. I'll just have you know that I can be very, very random ;)

But... WHY did I start this blog? Wanted to share with the world my interests, be it makeup reviews/demos, my thoughts/feelings, updates on what's happening around me, book reviews, or uplifting words for you guys - it's a part of me that wants my yakking to turn into a form of entertainment for others. Just wait & see what comes up here kays? :)

Now... WHERE do I live? Hometown's the lil' red dot: Singapore. No captial, no city, no suburb - just a small island compared to others, but hei hei, we're a force to be reckoned with yawz. Fun to know though, I have a deep love for Aussie, coz I've lived out 2 years of my childhood there. Was too little a toddler to fully appreciate the 3 years in America, but Disneyworld, candy apples & huge choc chip cookies were the best! Even though sheepishly I do remember lugging around my lil' pillow with me everywhere I went. Highlight? My one and only sister was born right in the heart of Texas, Dallas. Howdy y'all. *tips hat* 'Twas a memorable few years prolly, since my mother always wishes to migrate there haha.

Well... WHEN am I moving to Aussie for studies? Next year in Feb 2015, I'll be living life in the good ol' laidback G'day Mate style. Okay homesickness alert for this emotional fella o'er here, but amidst it all, knowing that Jesus and His angels are always with me, protecting me, providing for me, just gives me so much comfort. When you have Jesus with you, nothing else matters, coz you really truly have everything you will ever need.

Lastly... HOW will I handle this new adventure of thine? Via blogs/vlogs, I'll do my best to keep it all updated, as I love writing (my passion *french accent anyone?*), talking (a lot. you have no idea), eating (lettuce nom the day away) - basically I'd like to be the cheery person that gives you strength at the end of the day. I'm someone who lives optimistically & tends to source out the good in every situation, so lemme pour infinite gallons of hope into your precious lives! ^_^

There you have it, the 5Ws1H about yours truly. Hei, if y'all everrrrr need a listening ear/heart, or just really want someone to tell your troubles/experiences/exhilarations to, I'm here for you.
Approach me via email at: <cherry_tomato052@hotmail.com> However busy I might be, I promise you that I'll try my best at answering all your emails. Y'know, encouragement is ma thang. :) And above all, remember to seek first the kingdom of Daddy God and His righteousness, and all His blessings/provision shall be added to you. <3 Matthew 6:33

Cheers to all the wonderful things to come,
Cherlyn Aurora xoxo

P.S. Wonder why my email is about cherry tomatoes and not my cherlyn aurora name? Hmm... let's save that tidbit for the next upcoming post! :D